Morning Ray of Sunshine

Where we are right now is just the truth of this moment. Right now we may be broken, defeated, trapped, clueless, miserable. Right now we may not be able to see any way out. Right now there could be blackness all around and in every pore and no sign of light. Right now we could be utterly lost and alone without a friend or support in sight… But let’s not forget this is just Right Now.

Right now is not our whole life. It is not tomorrow, it is not even the rest of today.

Sure at this moment everything feels hopeless and bleak. Sure we just want to break down and cry. It’s ok to do that.

But in the next moment we will stand up, head high, chest out, ready to charge forward like a warrior, our hearts full of hope and courage and faith and strength.

Cause we know the measure of a person is when he’s down and refuses to stay down. And by God we won’t stay down.

Life is about crests and troughs. If we’ve hit a low in this moment then a high is just around the corner. Every low is nothing but a springboard to launch us even higher, ever closer to the stars, where we belong.

So let’s take a deep optimistic breath, plant a big smile on our faces, fill our hearts with love, innocence and enthusiasm and get ready for that jump.

We’re going to fly high. And then some…

Morning Ray of Sunshine

When we’re feeling low, when there’s a deep sadness inside, trying to fight it, reason it out can’t help. One has to live through the sadness, experience it fully.

But at the same time the big no no is to stay steeped in it, wallow in it, make your very existence a cocoon of gloom and despair. So what does one do, if one can’t shake the sadness off and being mired in it is a no no?

Activity. That’s the key. This is the perfect time to intensify one’s workouts, start running or cycling or swimming, maybe sign on for a trek or two. Physical activity will have the blood pumping again, energise us, get the happy hormones going.

And along with physical exercise this is a great time to get all other kinds of activity going. Start writing – whatever musings, a diary, poetry – but no woe is me and my life stinks stuff. Or painting/singing/dancing. Maybe join an amateur theatre group. Start playing board games. We each know what activity will give us joy – so let’s go for it.

Of course this won’t take the pain away, but positive, constructive activity starts working as a salve to heal us at a deep level. Plus the joys that we keep drawing in from each activity become the strength we need to face and live through the sadness and the foundation on which to build a new today from the ashes of yesterday.

Life will find a way long as we keep living. Fully. Hang in there. We will survive. We will triumph